You can only gather gold when in a shop or other establishment and if the amount of gold carried by the party is too much for one character to carry the process aborts leaving you to transfer gold from character to character the hard way. This is by far the best attempt at a roleplaying game to date but it does have one or two minor drawbacks. Unlike other games each dungeon has a specific feel and its own unique graphics. There are two main areas to explore with eight four level dungeons to delve into. When a characters dies the only hope of resurrecting them is to have either a high level healer (only female characters can be healers) or pay a visit to the local temple, but be warned if you leave it too long the body will have decayed beyond all hope of resurrection. Non-player characters often much stronger than your party offer assistance with advice, special items and more often than not, a strong right arm. There are many nice touches like the ability to negotiate safe passage past monsters or recruit them. A slight disappointment is the representation of the monsters, they are completely static, which is a bit of an oversight. All characters can attack at once, cast spells or defend and not as in some games only the first two or three. Combat is quite good with five ranks of combat ranging from the killing rank to the retreat rank. The exploration of the world is very similar to the Bard's Tale format and as an added bonus experienced roleplayers can load character from either The Bard's Tale or Phantasie. Each profession has a distinct set of abilities such as trade related spells, thieving and lock picking abilities, or in the case of the blacksmith the ability to repair weapons and armour damaged during combat. Of the twelve professions many can cast spells such as the illusionist, magician, healer, druid or blacksmith, yes blacksmith. To find new recruits you select the sex, race (there are five races in all) and which of the twelve professions you require and you will be presented with a likely candidate. You start in the inn where you can fill your six party slots with predefined characters or look around for a few new ones. A man propositions you in a bar and you find yourself as the guiding force behind a band of green but enthusiastic adventures. Several generations later things are beginning to stir as the elves take a dislike to the rest of the world. The many good races of the land formed a band of heroes who smegged the bad guys well and truly. It also offered the player the opportunity to continue their characters from previous games such as Phantasie I, III, The Bard's Tale and The Bard's Tale II: The Destiny Knight, although Faerghail does not take place in the same fictional world as these games.Long ago the dragons teamed up with an evil magician and all hell broke loose. The game world includes an overworld split by a mountain range, and eight dungeons. The game is viewed from first-person perspective. Characters have attributes (such as wisdom, strength and constitution), skills (such as pick-pocketing and various languages) and hit points.

The player first creates a character by selecting race and class.
Legend of Faerghail is set in a medieval fantasy world. For example, a mage will lose concentration and fail at spellcasting if he stands too close to the enemy. The combat system requires the player to pay attention to the position of the characters in battle. The player explores towns, wilderness, and complex dungeons of the game from first-person perspective, fighting enemies in turn-based combat. It can be quit by pressing num '' (key can be changed with Tooltype ' QuitKey ').

The installed program requires 0.5 MB ChipMem and 1.1 MB OtherMem.
#Legend of faerghail download install
This install requires WHDLoad to be in the path. Legend of Faerghail is a role-playing game with an interface similar to that of The Bard's Tale series. This install applies to 'Legend Of Faerghail' 1990 Reline.
#Legend of faerghail download software
Platforms: Amiga, Atari ST, MS-DOS Developer: Electronic Design Hannover Publisher: Rainbow Arts Software GmbH Year: 1990 Tags: Fantasy, Turn-based combat